
Exam success at Cardinal Heenan

It has been another successful year for students at Cardinal Heenan Catholic High School in West Derby, as they received their GCSE and A-level grades last month.

Each results day saw many success stories with students securing fantastic grades that will allow them to go on to achieve their aspirational next steps.

Year 13 student, Earl, who is a previous winner of the dot-Arts Schools competition for his artwork, achieved A*A*A and is going on to study architecture at the University of Cambridge.

Earl celebrated with friend, Jayden, a Year 13 pupil who secured a fantastic A*AA and will be studying computing at the University of Liverpool this September. Jacob, another talented Year 13 student, will be joining Jayden at the University of Liverpool to study aerospace after achieving an incredible AAB in his A-levels in maths, physics and computer science. The celebrations continued the following week as Year 11 collected their GCSE grades. Year 11 student James said: “My hands were shaking as I opened the envelope, but it was all worth it to achieve 9s and 8s.”

Friends Henry, Sean and Ryan also scored 8s and 9s and are pleased to be continuing their education at Cardinal Heenan Sixth Form this September. Their aspirational next steps range from a career in medicine to “anything to do with maths”and are all excited to find out more about university and different career opportunities in sixth form.



