
The Academy of St Francis of Assisi achieve positive GCSE results

Students from The Academy of St Francis of Assisi (ASFA), Kensington, returned to school on 24 August to collect their GCSE exam results.

The academy, which is part of All Saints Multi Academy Trust, saw students achieve a wide range of results.

With over 50 different languages spoken in the school, it is no surprise that students performed well in these subjects, with Bonsu Williams Osie and David Amos both gaining a grade 9 in Italian. Jan Russel Balanes achieved a 9 in Spanish and Sila Yoztyurk achieved a grade 9 in Turkish.

Many students will go on to study

A-level and BTEC courses, with some heading to All Saints Sixth Form College in Garston.

There were some notable successes such as head girl, Annaelle Mbolokele, who achieved 10 GCSEs including eight 9s in biology, chemistry, English literature, English language, French, history, sociology, religious studies and two 8s in maths and physics. She is going to study biology, chemistry, mathematics, and psychology at A-level.

Head boy, Mazen Daham achieved A* for Arabic A-level, and 10 GCSEs including 8s for religious studies and sociology, two 7s, two 6s and two 5s. He plans to study science at A-level and hopes to become a doctor in the future.

Students also performed particularly well in various BTEC Tech awards with high grades in drama, sports studies and ICT.

Headteacher, Jo Leech, said: “Although it is for the last time, it was wonderful to see our Year 11 students back in school. GCSE results day can be a stressful time for everyone, but today’s results prove that despite everything, our students have shown dedication and resilience throughout their journey with us.

“Well done to ASFA’s class of 2023 and we wish you all the best for the next chapter of your lives.”



